Your issues are in your tissues. This is a scientific fact. Whether you struggle with trauma, anxiety, depression, an eating disorder or some other mental health challenge, being fully alive means being connected with all of who you are body, heart and mind. #Fitbody #fitmind YOUR body is a huge part of YOU, thus it has to be apart of the healing equation.

ISSUES live in your TISSUES. I’m saying it again, because it’s easy to forget when you grow up as a Westerner where our standard prescription rarely (if ever) includes an integrated whole-body approach to mental health.
Learning how to listen to your body is one of the most powerful tools you can cultivate as a human being. Managing the challenges of your mental health resides in fostering your ability to tune-in to your body. #integratedhealthcoach#decodeyourbody#youdoyou assisting those with #anxiety and #depression to bring #clarity and #light to their life. ☀️